College Students Biggest Mistakes

One of the biggest mistakes college students do is quitting school after earning just an associate’s degree. Those who quit after just two years in college find out the hard way that you can’t get a really, really good job on an associate’s degree.

In order to differentiate between the different types of college degrees we will start with undergraduate degrees and what they are.

An Undergraduate consist mainly of Associate’s and Bachelor’s degrees of which takes 2 years for the associates and 4 years for the bachelor’s degree.

Associate degrees are obtained by earning 60 credits. They are mostly aimed at community colleges, technical colleges, vocational schools and some other colleges. Although associate degree can be earned within two years, there are fast-track programs at selective colleges which make it possible to earn the associate’s degree in less than 2 years.

In order to be eligible for an associate’s degree you must have already earned a high-school diploma or an equivalent. Generally, associate degrees are the starting point for students who are looking to earn a bachelor degree or more.

If you are looking for management positions it will be very difficult to get such a job with only an associate’s degree. Depending on what you want out of life, you will have to decide if earning more than an associate degree is for you.

Many students in high school and college do not understand that in order to get high paying jobs you must have more than an associates degree. For example, you cannot be a judge or a politician or a doctor unless you have more than an associate’s degree.

It is unrealistic to think that when you go and apply for the job that they will just hire you based on your looks or your personality. There are some people who by their above-average intelligence, luck or skill can achieve financial prosperity in their life without a college degree. But these are only a fraction of the successful people, the rest of them had to learn by earning an associate’s degree, a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree and sometimes a doctorate degree.

It is a very big mistake thinking that an associate’s degree is all you will need to obtain a high-paying job. Unfortunately, many of them find themselves stuck in low or medium paying jobs while others find themselves going back to school later on in life to earn their bachelor’s or master’s degree.

So if you really want to earn a lot of money or gain a position of power or prominence you will need more than an associate’s degree. Some people in entertainment such as actors or musicians has earned a bachelor’s, master’s or a doctorate degree while the rest have just been lucky. Success is not only measured on how much money you have in the bank it, is also measured in how many degrees you have from your education.

If you are a college freshman we recommend that you stay in school and do not quit after earning an associate’s degree but set your goals higher for a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree or even a doctorate degree. As you get older in life you will realize that these were some of the most important decisions you have ever made.